
I want to do a fundraiser because of a special event

Are you celebrating your birthday, getting married or celebrating so many years with your partner and would you like your friends and/or guests to make a donation to the COC on the occasion? Then please contact us. For special occasions, we are happy to create a Tikkie link and QR code for you to use for this purpose. When your fundraiser is over, we'll link you back to what it raised and you can thank the generous donors again.

I want to cancel my sponsorship

Of course we are very sorry if you cancel, but you can stop your support of the COC at any time. Just fill out the contact form. If you have any suggestions to make our work better, please mention them!

Can I bequeath (part of) my assets to COC? How do I arrange that?

You can. At this page you will find more information about this, you can also contact us directly at [email protected].

How can I donate as a company?

You can donate here or take here contact us here. You can learn more about our corporate partnerships here.

Is it possible to pay your dues by agreement?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. If you have any questions, you can always email us!

I want to deduct my donation from taxes. Is that possible?

The COC is an organization with ANBI status. This means that we are committed to society as a Public Benefit Institution. Donations to ANBIs are - above a certain threshold - deductible from your income tax. It is also possible to sign a periodic donation agreement with the COC and then no threshold amount applies. You can read here how you can make an advantageous donation to COC.

I want to make a monthly fixed donation, how can I do that?

You can do that through the donation module on this website. But for somewhat larger donations, we advise you to enter into a periodic donation agreement, as this will give you a tax advantage. All information about this can be found on this page.