Learning together and from each other is a powerful means to improve development co-operation – OECD
LGBTIQ+ Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) are the molecule of our work under the Power of Pride programme that runs in over 22 countries across Asia and Africa. In order to harness important learnings on this crucial aspect of the programme, we are inviting applications from highly motivated individuals to join a Community of Practice on Organisational Development for Advancing Equal Rights of LGBTIQ+ People.
The Community of Practice on Organisational Development is a collaborative platform dedicated to advancing the understanding of the unique role, challenges and best practices in developing and strengthening LGBTI CBOs within local communities. Our focus is to understand the significance of organisational development, and the factors impacting it, in strengthening and supporting LGBTI movements in order to influence laws and policies for achieving equal rights for LGBTI people. Through this Community of Practice, we seek to explore the following key thematic areas:
A) developing transformative leadership;
B) training and retaining skilled staff and volunteers;
C) demonstrating accountability and transparency;
D) and working sustainably.
With this in mind we are looking for people who will be available (around 8-10 hours per month) to be part of Community of practice on Organisational Development for Advancing Equal Rights of LGBTIQ+ people.
Power of Pride is an international development programme, implemented by COC Nederland, ILGA Asia and Pan African ILGA. The programme’s vision is working towards diverse and inclusive societies where LGBTIQ+ people can participate to their full potential. In order to contribute to this vision, we work inside-out and in a participatory manner . This means we support local, regional and international LGBTIQ+ organisations in their efforts to bring about change from within their own communities. This principle applies not only to the definition of the programme’s priority areas, activities, budget allocation, but it also influences the definition of its learning agenda. In
guiding our learning activities, the inside-out principle means we want to explore themes that are relevant to the communities we work with.
As part of the learning agenda of the programme, the Power of Pride alliance will be running a series of Communities of Practices that will be working on different themes that have been identified as important to strengthening the programme and the international LGBTIQ+ movement.
A Community of Practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something and who would like to build new skills and generate new knowledge.
In order to continue our Learning agenda, Power of Pride Alliance wants to set up the second Community of Practice in October 2023 on the topic of Organisational Development for Advancing Equal Rights of LGBTIQ+ People.
The Community of Practice will explore the following broad learning questions:
- How can LGBTIQ+ CBOs support the development of transformative leadership and strong governance within them in order to create meaningful change?
- How can LGBTIQ+ CBOs build the relevant capacity of their staff and retain skilled staff in the organisation in order to function effectively and build a sense of co-ownership?
- How can LGBTIQ+ CBOs develop clear transparency and accountability mechanisms in order to legitimately represent their constituent communities and develop strong partnerships?
- How can LGBTIQ+ CBOs mobilise the resources they need to operate to their full potential and sustainably undertake strategic initiatives for lobby and advocacy to influence laws, policies and norms?
These Learning Questions can be further developed or refined based on the input of the Community of Practice members. The selected members of the Community of Practice will have the responsibility to:
- Refine the Learning Questions and decide on the Learning Output for the Community of Practice.
- Create a Work Plan for the Community of Practice in which clear goal(s), deliverables and budget are outlined.
- Coordinate and oversee the implementation of the Work Plan and ensure finalisation of the deliverables on time.
- Conduct regular check-ins highlighting progress of the Community of Practice with the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of Power of Pride.
- Present Community of Practice findings and lessons learned in Power of Pride learning event(s).
Community of Practice Composition
The Community of Practice will consist of up to 8 – 10 members, with a diversity of participants. Applicants should hail from the Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean).
Members are not required to be a partner in the Power of Pride programme. However, members of the Power of Pride International Advisory Committee, the staff of Power of Pride Alliance partners, and members of the previous Power of Pride Communities of Practice cannot apply. Members need to show experience in working with the topic, skills that they see as helpful and motivation to join this Community of Practice.
Rules of Engagement
Community of Practice members should be prepared to attend meetings, contribute actively to discussions in the group, be involved in preparatory work ahead of meetings, examine and provide comments on documents under discussion.
The two languages of communication in the Community of Practice will be English and French. All Community of Practice productions i.e. agenda for meetings, minutes and final product of the Community of Practice will be in in both languages. Translation and interpretation will be organized by the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group so all documents are accessible in both languages.
Renumeration and Incentives:
- As CoPs are spaces for exchange of learning and knowledge with other experts from the global south, therefore it is a voluntary engagement for individuals passionate about the cause. The CoP members will receive an honorary payment of 70 euros per month.
- An opportunity for an in-person meeting that will result in helpful learning outcomes to CoP members and highlighting the impact of Power of Pride.
- Opportunity to showcase their work on our different channels, taking into consideration privacy and security concerns.
- CoP members are essential to the success of our PoP programme. Therefore, CoP members may be engaged with the programme beyond the CoP lifetime according to their availability.
- An opportunity to inform the strategic direction and decision making of the Power of Pride programme through learning outputs.
Application Procedure
If you are from the Global South, and interested in this opportunity, kindly submit your application through the link below before midnight (Central European Time) on April 18, 2024. Note that while applicants can be part of a CSO, CBO or an NGO, applications are submitted on a personal basis and the selected applicants alone will fulfil the position in an individual capacity. Any conflicts of interest must be declared to Power of Pride alliance before accepting membership of the Community of Practice.
Selection Criteria
The following criteria will be taken into account in the selection process:
– Proven and relevant competence and experience in areas relevant to the tasks of the Community of Practice. This includes management/coordination as well as thematic expertise on the rights of LGBTQI+ people and organisational development.
– An assessment of the candidate’s motivation and relevant skillset to join the Community of Practice.
– The need to ensure a balanced representation among the LGBTIQ+ communities, and amplifying marginalised voices within the community.
– Availability of members to participate in meetings and commitment to work between meetings to prepare.
– Sufficient proficiency in English and/or French.
Application Link:
https://forms.gle/Wbv9ZA2TkkBNEHvZ7 For any further information please reach out at [email protected] with the subject line: “Query about Organisational Development CoP